If anyone can answer any of these questions please e-mail!
Submitted by "Wilfried from Canada"
I have owned a 352 K since 1958 (It's now Feb. 2006) It is a deathly accurate Rifle that shoots 100s at the Range with monotonous regularity. It has however one bad habit, it breaks firing pins. I have put up with it's quirks for over 40 years but before I pass it on to My Nephews I would like to have it corrected. Does anybody know a good Gunsmith in the Toronto (Ont. Canada) area.
Submitted by "Gforcefab"
Wards Westernfield 04M-417 reconstructed youth model. There have been a few questions on these youth models and if anyone could answer any of these questions it would be greatly appreciated!!
How did Mossberg classify their youth models? (Same models but with some added code?)
Did they offer youth models directly or was it only through private-label resellers like Wards/Sears/Spiegel etc.
What was the price structure? (If a 42C sold for $8.45 in the late thirties, how much did a youth model cost?)
Did they advertise youth models? Anyone have any print ads showing them?
What percentage of total sales did youth models make up? Did Mossberg just assume kids would shoot air rifles until they were big enough to handle adult-sized models?