Mossberg Vintage Shotgun Photo Gallery
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Submitted by
Bill and Darlene H
Bill has been a Mossberg fan for years now and currently has a model 500 and the 16ga. model 190 . In the Spring 2009 Wild Turkey hunting season they double scored, Darlene's bird weighed in at 20lbs 5oz., 4.5" beard, 3/16"spurs, she was using the scoped ,camo clad model 500 Bill's was 22lbs 8oz. 4" beard 5/16"spurs, he was using the bipod equipped 16 ga. model 190. Nice Job!
Submitted by JP
A covey of Bolt actions, 185K, 190 and a 195KA in prime condition.
Submitted by Damguy
Model 390K-B with a few Cock birds from it's hunting career.